94 amazing facts about the United States of America

The USA is one of the most powerful and developed countries in the world!
In its short history, the country has developed into a world economic leader and one of the most influential countries in the world.


Interesting facts about the USA

1) The United States is divided into 50 states. The size of the smallest state (Rhode Island) is only 4002 km2, and the largest (Alaska) - 1,717,854 km2!

2) 63% of inhabitants in The US can not find Iraq on the world map.

3) In the US there is no officially approved language! The most common is the American version of English.

4) The US Declaration of Independence was written on cannabis paper

5 ) Mauna Kea - the highest mountain in the world! It is located in the USA in Hawaii. The height of Mauna Kea is only 4205 m above sea level,
but the measurements of the entire height (from the bottom to the top) showed that it is as much as 2000 m higher than the Chomolungma (8,850 m).

6 ) 13% of the US population believe that the sun revolves around the Earth

7 ) 57 ° C (Montana, January 20, 1954) - the lowest temperature ever recorded in the USA (excluding Alaska).

The highest temperature was recorded in the state of California, July 10, 1913 and amounted to + 56 ° C

8 ) 67% of the population suffers from overweight

9 ) Lake Creight is the deepest in the United States. It is located in Oregon. The depth of the lake is 589 m.

10 ) At the moment, more than 8% of able-bodied Americans do not work and are not looking for work!
Such a high percentage of the unemployed is explained by huge government benefits.

11 ) Gerald Ford was the only person who held the post of both president and vice president, but was not officially elected.

12 ) The population of the United States is more than 326 million people

13 ) 9 out of 10 Americans can not find Afghanistan on the map of Eurasia

14 ) During the American Revolution (1775-1783), inflation was so great that the price of bread increased by 10,000%,
the price of wheat by 14,000%, the price of flour by 15,000%, and the price of beef - by all 33 000%.

15 ) 32% of all land in the US is owned by the federal government

16 ) The nominal GDP of the United States is more than $ 18 trillion,
and the GDP per capita is $ 57 thousand! For these two indicators, the United States ranks first in the world.

17 ) every 8th married couple met on the Internet!

18 ) The capital of 1% of the richest Americans exceeds the combined 90% of the country's population!

19 ) Did you know that 50% of Americans collectively own only 2.5% of the total US wealth

20 ) At the moment only 51% of Americans are married! This is the lowest indicator for the last 50 years.
For example, in 1960, 72% of the US population was married

21 ) The sum of all loans for higher education exceeds $ 1 trillion.

22 ) Every seventh American has more than 10 credit cards.

23 ) Every hour the US national debt increases by $ 150 million

24 ) The first cinema opened in Los Angeles in 1902

25 ) 40% of Americans do not believe Darwin's theory of evolution

26 ) Indiana - the first electricity-lit city in the world

27 ) Alaska has the longest coastline in the United States (10,686 km)

28 ) Daily in the US, eat 72 thousand km2 of pizza!

29 ) The Statue of Liberty in New York was donated by France in 1884

30 ) Chinatown in New York is home to the largest number of Chinese throughout the Western Hemisphere

31 ) King of Thailand was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts ( recently passed away )

32 ) Harvard is the first US university. It was founded in 1636.

33 ) In the US, women received the right to vote only in 1920

34 ) When an American turns 16 years old, he has the right to drive; at the age of 18 he has the right to vote and carry a gun; only 21 gets the right to buy alcohol.

35 ) George Washington's false teeth were made of whale bone

36 ) The Pentagon is the largest administrative building in the world

37 ) In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America for the Old World

38 ) In 1918, the flu epidemic killed 548,000 US residents

39 ) The city of Santa Fe was founded in 1610. He is by right the oldest in the United States.

40 ) The USA has one of the largest tourist industries in the world.
The country is annually included in the TOP-3 of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.

41 ) Every day an average American uses 80 to 100 liters of water.

42 ) The first television sets appeared in New York in 1936

43 ) The highest roller coaster in the world is in Ohio

44 ) Philadelphia was the first capital of the United States

45 ) In state Montana, there are 3 times more livestock than people!

46 ) In Nebraska, you can still see traces of wagons 100 years ago!

47 ) The largest popcorn plant is located in Iowa

48 ) According to unofficial data, 90% of New York taxi drivers are immigrants

49 ) More than 800 tornadoes pass in the country every year!

50 ) Americans use ice cream more than any other nation in the world.

51 ) Every day, US residents consume 150 million hot dogs.

52 ) There are 556 officially recognized Indian tribes in the country.

53 ) The average American spends 90% of his free time indoors

54 ) The largest denomination of total turnover in America is $ 100. Denominations of greater denomination,
up to 100,000 dollars, were issued in special editions and were used only for settlements between banks.

55 ) The colors of the US flag are alternation of red and white stripes, and white stars on a blue background in the upper left corner,
the number of these stars is equal to the number of US states - 50.
And the number of bands (13 of them) symbolize the number of colonies that formed the independent state of the USA.

56 ) With the advent of new states, the US flag changed several times (new stars appeared on it)

57 ) Each of the three colors used in writing the flag means certain qualities that underlie the state.
Red color represents valor and endurance, blue-zeal, justice and vigilance, and white is innocence and purity.

58 ) Once in California 2 years there was no rain!

59 ) In the state of California, food is produced more than in any other state of the United States.
60 ) The smallest US state has the longest name! This is the state of Rhode Island and the Providence plantation.
This long name came about because of the merger of two states: the island state of Rhode Island and the coastal state of the Providence plantation

61 ) The lowest temperature ever recorded in the US is -62 ° C. It was in Alaska

62 ) And the highest temperature, 56 ° C, was recorded in the state of California, in the Valley of Death

63 ) In the history of the United States, the state had 45 presidents

64 ) The national animal of the United States of America is a bird. This is the Griffon Eagle.

65 ) The national flower of the USA is a rose.

66 ) At the very beginning of its history, the United States of America consisted of 13 colonies, who declared their independence from Great Britain.
It was July 4, 1776

67 ) The USA is the third largest country. It is surpassed only by a neighbor - Canada and Russia

68 ) The official name of the country is the United States of America first appeared in the declaration of independence.
And this was, as you already know, on July 4, 1776.

69 ) In the United States it is not customary to live with parents. Most often, as soon as children reach the age of majority, they begin to live separately in a rented dwelling.
In this regard, about 40 percent of the living quarters are in the process of leasing / renting.

70 ) Take a loan for housing or a car, a normal phenomenon for America. In this regard, more than 90 percent of the US population lives on debt.
In other words, on credit.

71 ) In some states of America marijuana it is allowed to grow hemp at home. In the laws of these states, a small number of farmed hemp homes is considered a home medicine

72 ) Some states in the United States prohibit the sale of condoms. And in some, a public sale is prohibited

73 ) Every American is proud of his origin, and is always ready to tell who his ancestors were, and how many parts he is Italian, Irish or English

74 ) The United States is a multinational country, and when the flow of immigrants was strong and constant, due to the difference in cultures in cities, "community" neighborhoods were formed.
For example, the Italian region (these are usually called Little Italy (from English. Little Italy),
the quarter of African Americans, etc. At the present time, the national difference is gradually eroding, and the US people are mixing more and more

75 ) In America, almost every family has a car, and most families have more than one car.
To be more precise, only a fraction of a percent of families have no car, the remaining 99 percent have it.

76 ) Most Americans worry little about events outside their country. If this is not their historical homeland.

77 ) In America, successful people and wealthy businessmen usually do not show their worth to the show.
For example, a millionaire can be dressed in jeans and sneakers from a regular store.
To be covered with precious rings, chains and other trinkets like a Christmas tree, is considered a bad form.
Unless you are, of course, African American.

78 ) Most Americans are very polite. If you are hurt in public transport or stepped on your foot, most likely they will apologize to you.

79 ) In the United States, six time zones.

80 ) Under Ohio law, in the city of Columbus it is forbidden to buy corn flakes on Sundays

81 ) In the state of Texas it is forbidden to shoot at buffalo from the second floor of the hotel

82 ) In Las Vegas, it is illegal to kiss men with a beard

83 ) Americans instead of the word "football" say "soccer"

84 ) Oil consumption by the United States of America is 25 percent of global consumption.

85 ) By the end of the civil war in the United States, there were 40 percent of counterfeit money

86 ) Martin Luther King at birth was called Michael. But soon his father changed his mind

87 ) Indigenous people of the United States - the Indians, were not citizens of this country until 1924.

88 ) While you are reading this article, over 125 million cars are traveling on the roads of America!

89 ) One of the most famous gangsters in the United States, who turned a lot of different cases, was imprisoned for ... non-payment of taxes!
Speech of course, about Alphonse Capone.Generally, the tax authorities are almost the most meticulous organization of the United States.
Find anyone who owes and shakes out the entire debt to a penny.

90 ) On the business card Al Capone was written that he is a furniture supplier.

91 ) In the United States of America appeared the first nudist organization. This was in 1929.
And the first members and concurrently founders of this organization were three men.

92 ) In the state of Idaho it is forbidden to fish while sitting on a camel.

93 ) Every year, the US prints 47 trillion dollars.

94 ) In America, people often file lawsuits against each other, or on firms and organizations, in order to sue money.

                                                                          Thank the Аuthor

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