28 The Amazing Top Facts About Syria

Syria is a country with a thousand-year history and unique culture.
Today Syria is in reports the world news.
On how to play the "Syrian Card" depends the future of geopolitics in the Middle East

28 The Amazing Top Facts About Syria

 1) The capital of Damascus is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world.
Estimates of his age vary - from 4000 to 10,000 years.
Its ancient, perhaps, only one city - the Palestinian Jericho.
In Syria, there is another city with more than 4,000-year history - Aleppo.

2) In Damascus and Haleb, entire neighborhoods have survived, houses in which more than 400 years, and some streets were designed in antiquity.
Direct Street is mentioned in the Bible. In Damascus, you can find Roman fortifications, Byzantine temples and the oldest Arab mosques,
erected on ancient temples (for example, the minaret of Isa (Jesus) on the ancient temple of Jupiter).
The most ancient Christian church is the underground chapel of St. Ananias (1st century)

3) Aleppo is the largest city in the country. The city is a millionaire, it is located near the Turkish border.
Aleppo was born the first president of Armenia. The second millionaire is Damascus.

4) Syria is located in the north of the ancient center of civilization - Fertile Crescent (Egypt, Mesopotamia, Levant).

5) In Syria, there are about 20 million Arabs and 2 million Kurds who speak Kurdish - the descendant of the Median.
In addition to Arabs and Kurds, large groups of Armenians, Circassians, Muslim Greeks, Syrian Turkmen live here.

6) The Syrian Arabs speak a special dialect of the Arabic language, which differs markedly from the literary one.
Peoples of the central and north-eastern regions also speak different dialects.

7)Thanks to literary Arabic, more than 200 million Arabs from the Atlantic to the Persian Gulf can understand each other

8) On Arabic, the name of Syria sounds like "Suriyya", and in its full version, "al-Jumuhiriya al-Arabiya al-Suriyya" (Syrian Arab Republic).

9) About 90% of the population lives in the Euphrates River valley or in fertile areas near the Mediterranean, which together makes up only one third of the country's territory. 

The rest of the area is occupied by the Syrian desert, since ancient times it has divided two regions - the Mesopotamia and the Levant
(fertile triangle by the sea: Israel, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon). Differences in the culture and location of these two regions have often caused conflicts.

10) Of the two million Syrian Christians, about half are Orthodox. The majority of the population (about 18 million) are Muslims.

11) Syria is the birthplace of many Christian, Islamic and other religious sects and original currents.
The adherents of Alavism, the esoteric trend of Islam, are twice the number of Christians.
Alawites are allowed to drink wine, pray 2 times a day and fast only two weeks. They consider their religion to be a secret knowledge accessible only to the elect.
President (Dictator) Bashar Assad - Alawit.

12) In the international Christian rating of "Open Doors", Syria ranks 4th among the countries where Christians are most often oppressed.

13) Independent Syria exists in modern borders since April 17, 1946, when it gained independence from France, as a former colony.

14) On the territory of the country were the most ancient world civilizations: Assyria, the Hittite Kingdom, Babylonia, the Persian Empire, the power of Alexander the Great. 

This land was taken in turn by the Roman Empire, Byzantium, the Arab Caliphate, the Crusaders, the Mongols, the Ottoman Empire.
In 1920, the country became a French colony.

15) Today, Syria is the most "hot" point of the planet. During the war (2011 - to.)
Against Syria, sanctions were imposed by the EU, the Persian Gulf countries, the tourism sector practically disappeared, oil sales fell sharply,
ISIL terrorists looted more than 1,000 factories and enterprises in Aleppo. According to the United Nations Institute for Training and Research,
about 300 cultural monuments have been destroyed. One of the triggers of discontent among the Sunni population of the eastern regions

was the severe drought (2006-2011), which particularly affected the Euphrates and desert regions.

16) Syria is the cradle of Christianity. In the country there are several tens of thousands of Assyrians - descendants of the population of Great Assyria.
They speak the New Aramaic languages. It is in Aramaic written part of the books of the Bible, in this language Jesus Christ and his entourage spoke.
The people profess predominantly Christianity, and the Assyrians were among the first to accept this faith in the first century.

17) In Syria blocked YouTube, Blogspot and Facebook

18) For more than 50 years, Syria has been ruled by the Baath Party (the Arab Socialist Renaissance Party, abbreviated as "revival").

19) The week in Syria does not begin on Monday, but on Sunday.The first day of the week according to the traditional Arabic calendar
is the resurrection of "Al-Ahad" (the first), and the last one is Saturday "As-Sabt" (rest).

20) Syria's relations with the USSR and Russia have always been quite warm. This is due both to military, technical and financial assistance in the past,
the USSR used Syria as an outpost against American policy in the Middle East and against Israel during the Cold War.
Thanks to Putin's policy and the fact that Russia is the largest oil and gas power - to revive the former policy of Great Russia
and prevent the transit of oil and gas through Syria and the geopolitical territory that adjoined it - Putin and held Assad
(Also because of Ukraine and the world sanctions)

21) When Rome was founded, Damascus is already 1,000 years old

22) The capital of Syria, the city of Damascus - the oldest operating capitals in the world. It has at least 4,500 years of history. 

Initially, Damascus was controlled by the pharaohs of Egypt.
Putin's goal of making Syria a military base to destabilize this region in order to prevent the export of oil on land to the European Union,
the goal of Assad - will remain in power at any cost.

23) in 2005, Russia was written off a $ 10 billion dollar debt to Syria.
24) Syria still does not recognize Israel. And if in the passport there is an Israeli visa, then, most likely, access to this country will be closed.
Israel does not even exist on Syrian geographic maps.

25) Syria is the birthplace of outstanding Christian and Islamic thinkers. Among them are the philosopher Posidonius (1st century BC),
the philosopher Lucian of Samosata (II century), the writer-ascetic Isaac the Syrian (VII century),
the rational philosopher and freethinker Abul-Ala al-Maarri (XI century) (namely his the statue in 2013, jihadists cut off the head),
the Arab medieval mathematician As-Salar (XII century).
In the Syrian land, preached by John Chrysostom, who was born nearby.

26) About 9% of the population of Syria are Kurds. This is the largest ethnic group in the world, which does not have its own state

27) School education in Syria is not only free, but also compulsory. However, still about one in six adult Syrian is illiterate.

28) Two thirds of the country is occupied by the Syrian desert

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