20 facts about cats, after which you will love them !!!

We all adore cats, and for good reason: these are amazing animals.We think that we already know everything about them, but these pussies can still surprise.
For example, the rumor that when a cat lays on your sore spot, then heals you in this way, is true.

And so, let's go !!!

94 amazing facts about the United States of America

The USA is one of the most powerful and developed countries in the world!
In its short history, the country has developed into a world economic leader and one of the most influential countries in the world.

28 The Amazing Top Facts About Syria

Syria is a country with a thousand-year history and unique culture.
Today Syria is in reports the world news.
On how to play the "Syrian Card" depends the future of geopolitics in the Middle East

28 The Amazing Top Facts About Syria

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Genoa is the capital of Liguria and the 6th largest city in Italy. This is the largest commercial and passenger Italian port - togethe...